Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain Syndrome

Chronic Pain Syndrome Physical and psychological impairments or pain that never improves is said to be chronic.

Chronic pain can be triggered by an accident. Pain can become constant over time, such as low back pain. There are many types of chronic pain, such as fibromyalgia, temporomandibular disorders, etc.

Chronic pain results in significant pain, disturbed sleep, and fatigue. It can affect a person’s ability to work, affect their social lives, as well as their activities of daily living. Chronic pain can also incite alcohol or drug abuse resulting in breakdowns in both marital family relationships.

Chronic pain can certainly be disabling and losses arising out of this will certainly be pursued on your behalf.

People suffering from chronic pain often feel alone, impacting their quality of life severely. Approximately 25% of all people who develop chronic pain also experience significant depression or anxiety.

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