Concussion treatment after an accident is an on-going medical process that can take weeks, months or years—as concussions can have far-reaching devastating health effects. Beyond the adverse health issues it can cause it can also be devastating financially through loss of income, loss of opportunity and the medical costs not covered by OHIP or private insurance plans. If you’ve experienced a concussion through a car accident, workplace accident or other accident—know your legal rights, responsibilities and the compensation that you’re entitled to.
Concussion Treatment: Your Legal Rights
Legally, if you’ve been involved in an accident that caused your concussion you have a legal right to sue the at-fault or negligent party (providing that there is one) or your insurance company. The burden of proof however is on you to prove that they are at-fault or that their negligence caused your accident and concussion, or to prove that the insurance company is responsible to cover your costs. To discuss what proof is needed to launch a personal injury claim, call one of our expert personal injury lawyers today to discuss your unique case.
Concussion Treatments: Your Legal Responsibilities
As a personal injury victim you have rights and entitlements—but you also have a legal responsibility to comply with the law in terms of personal injury claims. Personal injuries like concussions fall under the statute of limitations, which requires that a claim be filed within two years (unless there are extenuating circumstances that prevented you from filing a claim in time). After you’ve filed a claim the insurance company or individual must respond within a pre-determined timeframe—after they respond you’ll be required to fill out necessary paperwork within exact timeframes. Complying with the legal timeframe set forth in the statute of limitations are your legal responsibilities. For help complying with these legal timeframes, call one of our expert personal injury lawyers today.
Concussion Treatments: Your Legal Entitlements
After a personal injury you are entitled to compensation from the at-fault or offending party. Included in this compensation is: loss of past and future income, loss of opportunity, medical costs, rehabilitation costs and pain and suffering. For help gathering evidentiary support for your claim, filing your claim—and getting the compensation you need to create the stable financial footing you need to make a full recovery—call the experts here at Conte & Associates today. We’re waiting—and we can help.