When we think of damages in a personal injury case, most of us are thinking in terms of coverage for medical expenses and reimbursement for lost wages. However, those who have been injured due to the negligence others may also be entitled to financial compensation for loss of housekeeping capacity.
Housekeeping capacity refers to all of the domestic chores involved in maintaining a home, such as yard work, laundry, and cooking meals. However, the inability to perform activities that could also be consider a hobby, such as tending to a garden or caring for family pets, are not considered as part of a loss of housekeeping capacity. These claims would be filed under moral damages.
You are entitled to compensation for loss of housekeeping capacity whether you are a full-time homemaker or if you also work outside the home. Damages for loss of housekeeping capacity are calculated independent of damages for non-material inconvenience.
Unpaid housework has no market value, but loss of housekeeping capacity is typically measured in terms of the cost of hiring someone to help with the tasks you are no longer able to perform. You may be entitled to compensation if other members of your family have begun to handle these tasks as the result of your injury, but you should speak to your personal injury lawyer for further guidance on this issue.
Conte & Associates Can Help
If you are in need of legal representation for a personal injury claim, please call 1.877.614.0008. Conte & Associates, based in Whitby/Oshawa and Vaughan, can help you receive reimbursement for accident-related expenses. Our firm is committed to helping people with serious personal injuries get the benefits they need so they can fully focus on their recovery.