You pay your automobile insurance premiums for years to ensure your peace of mind in the event of a motor vehicle accident. In Ontario, every automobile policy is also required to include mandatory accident benefits coverage, which ensures that everyone who is injured in a car accident is entitled to certain benefits.
Income Replacement Benefits: You may be entitled to 70% of your gross income up to a maximum of $400.00 per week, or more if optional benefits were purchased.
Caregiver Benefits: For a person who has sustained Catastrophic injuries, up to $250.00 per week, plus $50.00 for each additional dependent person may be payable should they require care if you were his or her primary caregiver. These benefits may be available if the expenses are incurred following the injury. You can extend this coverage in case a non catastrophic injury is sustained.
Non-Earner Benefits: If you were not employed prior to the accident, you may be entitled to $185.00 per week. Full-time students who cannot return to school may receive $320.00 per week in certain circumstances. The six-month waiting period for people who are not working to receive benefits has been reduced to four weeks. Conversely, benefits can now only be received for up to two years after the accident.
Medical and Rehabilitation and Attendant Care Benefits: Persons with Catastrophic Injuries may have up to $1,000,000.00 available for both medical and rehabilitation benefits as well as Attendant Care Benefits combined.
Persons with Non-Catastrophic Injuries may have up to $65,000.00 available for both benefits. This has been a significant reduction following the changes which took effect on June 1, 2016. Persons with Minor Injuries may only have up to $3,500.00 available. Certain exceptions may apply to grant such persons’ access to the $65,000.00 limit.
Attendant Care Benefits:
Persons with Catastrophic Injuries may have up to $1,000,000.00 available for attendant care, or a maximum of $6,000.00 per month.
Persons with Non-Catastrophic Injuries may have up to $36,000.00 for 2 years following the accident, or a maximum of $3,000.00 per month.
Housekeeping and Home Maintenance Benefits: You may be entitled to up to $100.00 a week to provide assistance with your housekeeping and home maintenance. Funeral and Death Benefits: If the accident has resulted in a person’s death, the insurance company will pay up to $6,000.00 toward the costs of the funeral.
A payment may also be made to certain surviving family members. A $25,000 lump sum to an eligible spouse and a $10,000 lump sum to each dependent.
Visitor Benefits: Your insurance company should pay the costs incurred by people who come to see you during your treatment and recovery, in certain circumstances.
Optional Benefits are also available under each benefit heading above and you should speak to your Brokers or Insurer to add coverage to your policies to ensure full protection.
In Ontario, someone who is injured in a motor vehicle accident has three sources of compensation available:
1.Tort Claim – Against the Person(s) who caused the accident You can claim compensation for the following heads of damages: Pain and Suffering Loss of Enjoyment of Life Loss of Income, Both Past and Future Loss of Competitive Advantage, Employability Future Medical and Rehabilitation Care Expenses Housekeeping and Home Maintenance Expenses Out of Pocket Expenses Family Members’ Loss of Care, Guidance and Companionship
There are rules about how and when you can make a tort claim. Arm yourself with the knowledge and expertise needed to protect yourself and your loved ones by speaking with Conte & Associates (experienced truck & car accident lawyers in Whitby/Oshawa, Vaughan and the surrounding areas).
2. Accident Benefits – (described previously)
3. Other Insurance Plans – Short-Term Disability Insurance, Long-Term Disability Insurance, CPP Benefits, etc.
You may be entitled to receive benefits from a Disability Insurance Plan, such as a Group Benefits Package through your employment or a privately purchased policy.
You may also be entitled to benefits through the Canada Pension Disability Plan.
If you have been involved truck or car accident, please contact our lawyers in Whitby/Oshawa, Vaughan to discuss your entitlement to these benefits.
If you have been involved truck or car accident, please contact our lawyers in Whitby/Oshawa, Vaughan to discuss your entitlement to these benefits.
You can tell us about your case with our contact form.
We are here to help, simply let us know how we can assit you.
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