You can never fully prepare for the unpredictable events that can occur during a seemingly average day. You may be picking up some groceries at your local supermarket after an exhausting shift at your workplace, when it suddenly happens- a puddle on the floor causes you to slip and fall. This traumatic experience can inflict some serious harm on you- by falling incorrectly, we can become paralyzed very easily. In this article, we’re going to inform you about what you need to do after a slip and fall accident.
What To Do After A Slip And Fall Accident
Whether it happened in a parking lot, construction site, shopping mall, or your workplace, here are some important steps that you need to take after a slip and fall accident:
-If you’re hurt by the fall, we recommend that you tell any employees or bystanders to contact paramedics to assess your injuries.
-Report the accident to whoever the owner of the property is- if it’s in a store, report it to a store manager. Refrain from giving a detailed statement until you contact a lawyer. If it happened on municipal property, you must report the accident to the correct municipality within 10 days of the incident.
-Take pictures of the accident scene. If your cell phone has a camera, use it to take photos of the area where it occurred, your injuries, and any suspect hazards in the area.
-If you slipped on a wet floor and you notice that there’s no “wet floor” sign nearby, be sure to take several pictures of the area to prove this.
-If there were any witnesses, ask them if they saw the accident. Make sure that you obtain their contact information.
-Contact a suitable lawyer. Remember to provide your lawyer with as many details as you can about the incident.
If you’re seeking knowledgeable lawyers that can properly assist you with your slip and fall case, you should contact Conte & Associates. These experienced personal injury lawyers can assist you with insurance claims and personal injury lawyer services in many Ontario cities, including Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering, Clarington, Newcastle, Courtice, Bowmanville, Newcastle, Port Perry, Belleville, and Peterborough. If you are seeking experts that can provide you with the help you need, contact Conte & Associates today!