Inside the Dangerous World of Texting and Driving in Ontario

The Harsh Reality of Texting and Driving in Ontario

It’s almost more common than drinking and driving. In fact, texting and driving in Ontario has become a nightmare-like reality.

Since 2009, distracted driving has caused twice as many accidents as impaired driving. That’s the majority of accidents in Canada.

Technology and smartphones do some amazing things. But they also cause a distraction.

For accident victims, this could mean a lifetime of pain and suffering due to someone’s carelessness. One minute you’re driving home from work, and the next you’re paralyzed for the rest of your life.

Driving is not a right. It’s a privilege. If you don’t abide by the law, that privilege will be taken away from you.

When you read this crucial information about texting and driving in Ontario, you’ll never have the desire to do it again. If you’ve been a victim of a texting and driving accident, here’s the information you need to make your case.

Someone texting behind the wheel while driving.
Since 2009, distracted driving has caused twice as many accidents as impaired driving. That’s the majority of accidents in Canada.

Unsettling Facts on Texting and Driving

You are 23 times more likely to cause an accident if you’re texting and driving. It only takes seconds for an accident to happen, and if you aren’t looking in that split second, you’re more likely to miss your reaction time.

Talking on your phone makes you 4 to 5 times more likely to cause an accident than a non-distracted driver.

It’s also estimated that 11 teenagers die every day as a result of texting and driving. In the United States, that’s about 400,000 people per year.

And that’s just teenagers. The reality is that adults also text and drive, or partake in other distracting activities while driving.


Texting and Ontario Distracted Driving Law

In Ontario, it is illegal to use your phone while you’re behind the wheel.

Under Ontario Distracted Driving Law, using any type of handheld device is illegal. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing with it. Even just holding your phone is illegal.

The only electronics you’re allowed to use while driving are a bluetooth device or a GPS. However, you can’t be fiddling with these items while you drive. If you need to adjust something, get your passenger to do it or pull over to safety.

You don’t need to answer that text that badly. If it’s that important, pull over into a parking lot and turn your car off to check your phone.

Texting while you’re at a stop light is also a no-go. Your car needs to be off or lawfully parked in order to be allowed to use your phone.

If you text and drive, you will be subject to fines, charges, and possibly sentencing.

Judge holding the scales of justice. Texting and driving laws and fines in Ontario. Contact Conte and Associates, personal injury lawyers, located in Whitby and Vaughan.
Under Ontario Distracted Driving Law, using any type of handheld device is illegal.

The Fine For Texting and Driving

Here’s a breakdown of the fine for texting and driving and the punishment you could be looking at if you choose to make this fatal decision.

Drivers who are caught texting and driving, but do not cause injury to someone else, can face a fine of up to $1,000 and 3 demerit points. If you’re a novice driver with your G1 or G2, you’ll face the same fine. However, instead of demerit points, you get a license suspension and cancellation of your process.

That means you have to start all over again from the beginning.

If you’ve hurt or endangered someone else, you will be facing a careless driving charge with one of the following consequences:

  • Possible jail time- up to 6 months
  • A fine- anywhere from $400 to $2,000
  • Demerit points- usually at least 6
  • License suspension- up to 2 years

Here’s the other thing. You could be looking at more than just a careless driving charge, a fine, or demerit points.

You can be charged for dangerous driving if you’ve seriously injured or killed someone. The consequences for dangerous driving are no joke.

If you seriously injure someone, you could face up to 10 years in jail. For killing someone, you could face up to 14 years.

Couple driving in a car, with driver texting behind the wheel. Texting and driving laws and fines in Ontario. Contact Conte and Associates, personal injury lawyers, located in Whitby and Vaughan.
You are 23 times more likely to cause an accident if you’re texting and driving.

What to do if You’ve Been in an Accident

Texting and driving accidents are no joke. You could suffer a variety of injuries, from whiplash or traumatic brain injury to spinal cord injury.

In more tragic cases, you could even suffer the wrongful death of a loved one.

If you’ve been injured in an accident that was caused by a driver who was texting, you can get compensation. Make sure you know what to do after a car accident so you can maximise your settlement.

At the scene of the accident, take as many photographs as you can. You’ll need to collect all the evidence you can to strengthen your claim.

Evidence also includes medical records, receipts, police reports, and witness accounts. Just keep everything related to the accident and your injury for extra precautions.

Always make sure you pay attention to the Ontario Statute of Limitations. From the date of the accident, you have 2 years to file your claim.

Contact a good personal injury lawyer. They’ll go over everything with you. It’s important to make sure there’s nothing you missed when you’re getting ready to make your claim.

Girl talking on phone while driving. Contact Conte and associates if you've been the victim of a texting and driving accident.
You can be charged for dangerous driving if you’ve seriously injured or killed someone.


Contact Conte & Associates if You’ve Been Injured by a Driver Who Was Texting

When someone makes the stupid choice to text behind the wheel, they are neglecting the lives of other people. One bad decision can ruin someone else’s life. If this happens to you, it’s not fair.

Conte & Associates believes that distracted drivers in Ontario should pay the price for what they’ve done. We represent victims whose lives have been destroyed by someone else’s mistake.

Our team empathizes with you and wants to help you get your life back on track. We know it won’t be easy, and things might never be the same. But we can help make it easier on you.

Book a free consultation at one of our offices in Whitby and Vaughan to sit down with our team. There’s no obligation, and you don’t pay until you win your settlement.

Contact Conte & Associates now to connect with a lawyer who will fight aggressively for you.

Top personal injury lawyer in GTA area.

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