Depression is more than a state of mind – it is a disease that gets even the best of us. Depression does not discriminate, it sets wrath on men, women and children from all walks of life. Often these patients do not even get diagnosed and fail to get some sort of treatment due to the stigma.
To talk about depression is to take the first step in finding a cure. There is so much more to depression than just feeling down, there are complex predisposing factors that we need to openly talk about in order to better understand this debilitating disease.
A person who is suffering from depression needs understanding in order to rise above but how can we understand something we are so afraid to discuss? Today we will talk about the common causes of depression and how we can better deal with them:
Past experiences hone a person’s present. Any form of traumatic experience or abuse (be it physical, sexual or emotional) can contribute to depression. Often patients are afraid to talk about their past experiences in fear of being judged or persecuted, hindering them from getting the treatment they need and deserve.
Patients who have grown dependent on illegal substances are highly susceptible to clinical depression. Often patients experience a disruption in hormone levels and damage on the brain’s circuitry due to substance abuse.
Life events and personal conflicts that cause us stress and anxiety (such as death in the family or losing a job) can pave the way to depression. Patients who are biologically vulnerable have a hard time finding some sort of ground after being hit by any sudden (and drastic) turn of events.
Studies have shown that specific medications and antiviral drugs can increase one’s susceptibility to depression. It is important to discuss the risks involved in taking certain drugs with a medical professional.
A person who has been diagnosed of a serious disease may suffer from depression as a reaction. There are also some cases where depression coincides with the illness due to the many changes happening in the body’s inner workings.
If you or someone you know is suffering from depression brought about by any of these factors, give us a call. We have a team of specialists who can help you through these trying times and provide you with the legal assistance you need.
It is important to engage in more conversations about depression to gain more insight about it. Understanding depression propels can propel us to demand for better treatment and make them more accessible. Lets take the first step in finding the cure and start talking about depression, openly.