None of us like paying the high insurance premiums that come from having sufficient insurance coverage—but only some of us recognize the life-sustaining importance of having sufficient insurance coverage. Insurance coverage is a requirement for a number of employers, automobile drivers, doctors, lawyers and most other professionals as their industries recognize the need for cover-all insurance coverage. But why do you need sufficient insurance coverage?
When it comes to the importance of having sufficient insurance coverage there are a number of reasons to maintain long-term insurance coverage through diligent premium payments:
The most important reason to vigilantly maintain proper insurance coverage is to avoid the life-crushing costs associated with the losses—and lawsuits—that come from failing to maintain sufficient insurance. Failing to insure your car could cost you thousands of dollars in tickets and tens of thousands of dollars should you have an accident. If your home catches fire or floods without adequate home insurance you could literally lose everything. If you are involved in a personal injury accident you may not have the insurance to cover medical and rehabilitation bills, nor to cover the lack of income over your weeks or months of recovery.
Lack of Coverage
While having basic insurance is a bare minimum for families looking for security—it isn’t enough. Far too many families are devastated by insufficient insurance coverage. This includes a common problem here in Whitby and Oshawa, water damage. As just one example, many home insurance policies don’t cover water damage or flood damage, but this foundation-rocking damage can translate into tens of thousands of dollars of uncovered damage.
How to Stress the Importance of Having Sufficient Insurance Coverage for your Family
As one of Whitby and Oshawa’s top personal injury lawyers we regularly deal with families who lack sufficient insurance coverage—unfortunately though, we sometimes arrive too late in the cycle. Through this experienced-based knowledge we can’t stress enough how important it is to ensure that your loved ones are secure by having continuous, high-level insurance coverage. To do this you need to ensure that your premiums will never lapse (generally accomplished through automatic withdrawal payments). But in addition to keeping up with your premiums you also need to ensure that you have full coverage, for all-too-common issues like flooding, personal injury, loss-of-income and long-term illness and care.
After the Fact
Unfortunately, full-coverage insurance is a common after-the-fact consideration. If you have experienced a personal injury, home damage or other loss and feel that you were wrongly denied insurance coverage—call Whitby and Oshawa’s insurance cover legal experts, the team at Conte & Associates.