A Personal Injury Lawyer Knows The Steps To A Successful Case
When you’ve filed an insurance claim resulting from a personal injury accident, a lawyer with experience in personal injury law in Oshawa, Ontario can be invaluable in helping you implement a successful case.
These experts are trained to assess and estimate what your case may be worth and advise whether to initiate a lawsuit and take the case to trial, or more commonly reach an out of court settlement for your losses.
To assess the value of your claim, a lawyer with expertise in personal injury law will research all aspects of your case based on the material facts of the incident and review relevant information including medical reports, income verification and other supporting documentation. This attention to detail will help to determine the amount a court would award if your case went to trial. In many cases, a settlement brief containing a proposal for settlement is prepared and discussed with you before being submitted to the other side for review.
A personal injury lawyer in Oshawa will work diligently against the insurance company on your case to negotiate a settlement amount that is acceptable to you and fair and reasonable to all concerned parties. The case is successfully completed upon receipt of a settlement cheque. However, it’s important to note your health is a priority and your case will not be finalized until you have reached maximum medical recovery from your injuries. If your case needs to go to trial, then you need a lawyer and their team who are prepared to do so.