Although children are protected from many types of legal action, they are entitled to full compensation when they have been injured due to the negligence of others. A personal injury case involving an injured child may include compensation for pain and suffering as well as reimbursement for past medical care and support for future injury-related costs such as physical therapy or the adaptive devices needed to help a child attend continue his or her education.
Cases involving injured children require consulting several medical experts to determine the full extent of a child’s injuries. In addition to the problems created by a child’s lack of verbal skills, it’s also difficult to determine what complications might arise in the future. For example, a brain injury suffered as a child may cause additional problems when it’s time to leave school and enter the workforce.
When a personal injury case involves a child under the age of 18, someone needs to make decisions on behalf of the child. In this case, the parent or legal guardian can be appointed to serve as a litigation guardian. Litigation guardians stand in place of a party in a legal proceeding when he or she lacks the legal capacity to manage affairs relating to the case. Litigation guardians are also used in cases that involve a mentally disabled adult.
In addition to seeking compensation for an injured child, parent or legal guardians may also be able to directly sue for losses relating to the care and companionship of their son or daughter.
Conte & Associates Can Help
If your child has been injured due to another party’s negligence, please call 1.877.614.0008. Conte & Associates, based in Whitby/Oshawa and Vaughan, can help you receive reimbursement for accident-related expenses and future care that your child might require in order to lead a happy and productive life.